> red-tailed hawks, who have a nest in the large coast live oak
> songbirds of indeterminate species, who like to sit on the deck railing and poop
> hummingbirds, who snack on the bougainvillea
> false jays, who appear to be entirely real
> lizards, all of whom we refer to as "Sal" or "Sally" (as in "salamander")
"Lefty" the Lizard, who lost his right hand in the junk pile |
> several neighborhood dogs, who trot up and down the street and make detours into the yard
> a peacock, who lives somewhere across the street; never seen him, but he's loud
> an ornery neighbor across the street, who likes to swear indiscriminately at passing cars; he is surely kind and wonderful, but he doesn't show it.
one of many gophers who likes to sunbathe and eat greens |