Monday, December 13, 2010

Addition and Subtraction

forms for the foundation looking southwest

the addition looking south

the addition looking northwest

the front of the house with new windows and French door

the front door from inside (looking south)

a potential slab for the counter tops: a granite called "Purple Dunes"

baby daffodils blooming in the front yard!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Board & Batten

The house is taking shape, and despite the generic yellow hue, the siding looks promising!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

It's Pouring

After some more digging and nailing up cement board...

...and some dismantling...

...the garage was ready for some cement.
The guys from Prestige leveled the floor...

...added some rebar and forms...

...and started pouring the cement.  It will set over Thanksgiving, and then we will enclose the front temporarily until the new door arrives.

The outside of the garage is shaping up nicely!  (The yellow is the color of the Hardie board, so it won't be the final finish.)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Our Aching Backs

Before all the digging began in the garage, we worked on framing and strengthening the interior of the house.  Russell finished the hangers on the rafters and the skylight cutouts, then closed up the old kitchen door and moved the old door to the deck over a few inches, where it will serve as the entrance to the addition/master suite.

Meanwhile, I re-nailed all the boards of the sub-floor to the joists and learned just how quickly you can strain your lower back and hamstrings.  I was still hunched over a few days later...

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Can You Dig It

Russell spent a very productive week working on the garage, digging out the old cement supports, pouring new footings and stem walls, and rebuilding the walls with fire-resistant Hardie board.

south side of the garage removed


south side rebuilt
Russell's latest backache
digging out the northwest footing
Russell on the mini backhoe

my turn -- so much fun!

the cement hose

Russell's homemade forms for
the garage's new north stem wall
finished north stem wall

Hopefully we will pour the garage floor this week so that there's a clean, secure place to store materials like the kitchen cabinets, which arrived last week!  More supplies are on the way: bathroom vanities, toilets, faucets, and the kitchen sink...

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Spring Has Sprung?

After an unusual week of wet, cool weather, the yard has sprouted a lot of flowers, leaves, and even grass. Maybe a real lawn will be possible after all.  The pomegranate bush had an adverse reaction to the rain and lost all its leaves.  I crawled under the bush to retrieve four old basketballs that became visible without the foliage.

The large cactus has hundreds of new blossoms, many more than the one day it bloomed over the summer.
Russell spent a tedious two hours patching up the hole in the fence from the sewer connection.  We replaced the crosspiece with a plastic pipe that I spray painted silver-- much cheaper than the metal alternative.

Russell worked hard on framing the ceiling and skylight openings this week.  The vaulted ceiling makes a huge difference already!  New window frames are next, then the foundation and framing for the addition...

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Waste Not, Want Not

After a lengthy and counter-intuitive sequence of permits and fees, we are finally underway with the sewer connection project.  The trench you see below runs from the southeast corner of the house (now sans deck!) down the hill and through the fence to Plumosa Avenue, where we've hooked into the main pipe.  Cheyne and his crew have done an excellent job.  The actual work on the waste pipe took about five times less time than did the research and paperwork required for the project.  Hopefully that will be the case with the house construction, too!

While the engineering contractors dug up the yard, Russell tinkered with rocks and boulders for our future hot tub grotto complex with jungle waterfall.  The idea is to install a tub against one of the concave rocks and run a waterfall off the top of a boulder nearby.  This may be several building phases into the future, but it's fun to dream...

salvaging rocks from old retaining walls
testing rock formations in the grotto
the hot tub rock (foreground) with old cement footings from the deck

Friday, October 1, 2010


Russell found some photos hidden under the old fridge...
a snapshot of Helena

a group shot with Helena on the right;
not sure which one is Tadeusz...

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Demo Time

We began some demolition on Saturday by taking down the drywall in the old kitchen and bedroom.  Tough work, but it didn't take too long.  Unfortunately we have to pile the drywall pieces in the yard and wait for an opportune time to rent a dumpster again.  Hopefully we can prep most of the house for construction in the next two weeks and then get started on the foundation and framing soon.

On Monday Russell kicked down the ceilings and pulled out most of the bathroom.  I joined him after work and helped to pile up the drywall outside and pull the nails out of the walls.  Tedious, hard work! 

Now you can stand in the old bedroom and see all the way through the bathroom to the kitchen window.

Russell did a fantastic job of cleaning up the rest of the drywall before we started on pulling up the floors...

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Fruits of Our Labors

Shortly after my mother's visit in July, the big cacti by the driveway and garage bloomed-- but only for one day! The huge buds appeared overnight, and then the blossoms the next day. Gorgeous but too short-lived. Maybe we can coax them into blooming again with a little water...

The fruit tree in the backyard has two trunks, and one definitely has spines.  Maybe it's a lime tree?  I cleared out some dead branches and accidentally cut off the only branch with any fruit growing on it.  Brilliant.  It smells like citrus, so hopefully it's lime or lemon.

The real mystery tree sits at the southeast corner of the house.  It looked feeble when we got the house but has bounced back nicely since we started watering in July.  Even our local landscaper and arborist could not identify the tree, so we are waiting for the fruit to give it away.  Some buds have appeared, and they still don't give us much of a clue.  Pomegranate?  Your guess is as good as ours.

UPDATE!  The tree is a cherimoyas, a Peruvian fruit also known as a custard apple.  You can find them in the supermarkets nearby for about $7/lb.  They grow as big as grapefruits, so we will keep watering it and see what happens!

The old washing machine that escaped the dumpster is now a planter for geraniums, and the bougainvillea is blooming nicely.  Watering certainly does wonders...