Sunday, August 29, 2010

Demo Time

We began some demolition on Saturday by taking down the drywall in the old kitchen and bedroom.  Tough work, but it didn't take too long.  Unfortunately we have to pile the drywall pieces in the yard and wait for an opportune time to rent a dumpster again.  Hopefully we can prep most of the house for construction in the next two weeks and then get started on the foundation and framing soon.

On Monday Russell kicked down the ceilings and pulled out most of the bathroom.  I joined him after work and helped to pile up the drywall outside and pull the nails out of the walls.  Tedious, hard work! 

Now you can stand in the old bedroom and see all the way through the bathroom to the kitchen window.

Russell did a fantastic job of cleaning up the rest of the drywall before we started on pulling up the floors...

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