Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Suburban Archaeology

As we tinkered with the last of the framing details, I photographed some notable stuff on the ground...  Some of the cherimoyas have dried out and fallen off the tree, maybe a result of the chilly nights and dry days we have had for the past six weeks.  We broke open one of the fruits to get our first look at the inside of a cherimoya.  The taste test didn't go well, so we will have to wait and hope the few remaining fruits hold on until they are ripe.

We found another small stash of shoes under the house when the plumbing finished up...  We expect to find at least one pair a week for the foreseeable future.

Under the south porch, I cleared out some debris which turned out to have an archaeological flavor, with some fabric, leather, bone, wire, wood, and hair.  If anyone has a spare DNA kit, bring it over to the house!  The bone, by the way, is just one of many bones that we have discovered since last summer-- and they are beef and chicken bones, we hope.

I have been working on nailing the hangers under the deck... Tedious stuff, and thanks to the palm nailer, not nearly as time-consuming as it could be.  The machine gun sound of the hydraulic nailer is pretty agressive, but it sure beats hitting every nail by hand.

Russell finished up with framing the front steps.  We are trying to keep the succulents and cacti happy while we build the deck, after which we will fill in more of the corners and crevasses with greenery.

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